Saturday, 15 December 2012

Atlantic Puffins Wildlife Information

Atlantic puffins are winged creatures that inhabit ocean the vast majority of their lives. They fly through the air such as most fledglings, however they in addition "fly" through the water, utilizing their wings as oars. As they swim, they utilize their webbed feet to control, much as a vessel utilizes a rudder. 

Atlantic puffins have penguin-like shading yet they brandish a bright nose that has headed some to name them the "ocean parrot." The nose blurs to a boring dull throughout the winter and sprouts with shade again in the spring—proposing that it may be alluring to potential mates. 

Circulating everywhere, puffins are surprisingly armada flyers. By fluttering their wings up to 400 times for every moment they can achieve speeds of 55 miles (88 kilometers) a hour. 
 Atlantic Puffins 
 Atlantic Puffins 
 Atlantic Puffins 
 Atlantic Puffins 
 Atlantic Puffins 
 Atlantic Puffins 
Atlantic Puffins  
Atlantic Puffins 

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