Tapirs are extensive enough to have few regular predators, and the tough skin on the backs of their necks serves to ensure them from dangers, for example, panthers, crocodiles, boa constrictors, and tigers. The animals are additionally equipped to run decently rapidly, acknowledging their size and awkward appearance, discovering sanctuary in the thick undergrowth of the woodland or in water.
Tapir is found in the Old World—Southeast Asia. The dark and-white Malay tapir can develop to 800 pounds (363 kilograms). It occupies the backwoods and marshes of Malaysia and Sumatra.all four tapir species are imperiled or undermined, to a great extent because of chasing and living space misfortune.
Tapirs are for the most part bashful, yet when frightened, they can protect themselves with their capable jaws. In 1998, a zookeeper in Oklahoma City was destroyed and had an arm separated in the wake of opening the avenue to a female tapir's walled in area to push nourishment inside.
Tapirs Tapiridae
Tapirs Tapiridae
Tapirs Tapiridae