Zebra Horse Giraffe incline toward elevations of 500 to 1,000 m, however may wander over 1,000 m in the eastern montane rainforests. In view of a lot of downpour in these backwoods, okapis have sleek, smooth fur garments that repulse the water.
Zebra Horse Giraffe must be always careful about lions and hyenas. A group has numerous eyes alarm to peril. On the off chance that a creature is struck, its family will go to its guard, circumnavigating the injured zebra and endeavoring to drive off predators.
Zebra Horse Giraffe dung has uncovered they devour charcoal from trees blazed by lightning. Field perceptions demonstrate their mineral and salt necessities are filled essential by a sulfurous, marginally salty, rosy earth found close streams and streams.
Zebra Horse Giraffe
Zebra Horse Giraffe
Zebra Horse Giraffe