There are 2 diverse species of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant (otherwise called the Indian elephant). Elephants are the greatest area creatures. Elephants are extremely social creatures and exist in family aggregates pointed to as "crowds". Female elephants are moreover called "dairy animals" and guys are called "bulls". Elephants have a 22 month growth (pregnancy) and produce one posterity during that timeframe. The toddler is called a "calf". Toddler elephants weigh around 200 lbs. at conception. Both species of elephants are as far back as anyone can remember-existed creatures; they can exist around 50-60 years. Elephants are herbivores and consume extensive measures of plant material: leaves, limbs, grass, bark, even roots. Every single elephant will consume some hundred pounds of plant material each day and will drink around 50 gallons of water a day. The ivory tusks are really 2 upper incisor teeth and the elephant has 4 more substantial molar teeth in its mouth: one in every corner. Interestingly elephants endure 6 sets of teeth in their lifetime. Elephants can develop as tall as 11 feet and can weigh up to 15,000 lbs. African elephants usually are taller than Asians, yet the Asian elephants are typically heavier.
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